Biznes News

Philip Niarchos Net Worth 2020

Net Worth 2020  $ 2.8 Billion Philip Niarchos (alternately: Philippos or Philippe; Greek: Φίλιππος Νιάρχος) (born 1954) is a Greek billionaire, the eldest son of the Greek shipping…
November 4, 2020
Biznes News

Vasil Bozhkov Net Worth 2020

Net Worth 2020  $ 1.5 Billion Vasil Krumov Bozhkov is a Bulgarian oligarch and businessman, considered the richest Bulgarian with a fortune estimated at between 1 and 3 billion Bulgarian levs. Known…
November 4, 2020
Biznes NewsFashion

Mansour Ojjeh Net Worth 2020

Net Worth 2020  $ 3.2 Billion Mansour Akram Ojjeh (born 1952) (Arabic: منصور عجة‎) is a French Saudi Arabian-born entrepreneur who owns part of TAG, a Luxembourg-based holding company with interests…
November 3, 2020